søndag 2. desember 2012

Malare - A malware database.

Since i activated my honeypot i have received a lot of different malware, which I at one point should analyse. But the more malicious software i got the harder it is to have control over what files i had analysed, where they came from, where they connect to and so on.

To help me organize files i decided to make a malware database with the help of Ruby Programming language and Sqlite to create a SQL database - and named the project Malare.

With malare i wanted to store malware-samples with wanted information as well as save the binary in its filesystem. To begin with i added features to add samples, remove samples and search the database for a certain keyword. It will store both the database and samples in ~/Desktop/malare and the information i wanted to store in Malare's malware database is
  • Filename
  • Source from where you got it from
  • Domainname of Command & Control Server (C&C)
  • IP address to the C&C (Optional)
  • Notes (optional)
Malare's help screen.

With that tool i could easily keep track of malware samples. One could also make malare to add samples directly into malare as they got downloaded by Dionaea honeypot. 

I added two options to display results stored in the database, -l (--list) would list all samples stored in the database, and -s (--search) one could search for samples based on either md5sums, c&c or filename.
Below is a sanitized version of the --list option, as one can see i have added a few samples into Malare.

--list option

Below i demonstrate a search based on a filename.

--search option

I have a few other ideas on how to further develop this project and make analysis more easy, but for now this is works pretty good.  Download the project from https://github.com/eugynon/malare.

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